Pacifc Coast Iris

Some friends and I just returned from a backpacking adventure in Pt. Reyes. We camped a Coast Camp, which itself was blanketed in Pacific Coast Iris. On Saturday we did a pleasant 11mi loop up the coast and back along the Sky Camp ridge. The wildflower show was spectacular, and we enjoyed good weather all weekend. The Ceanothus shrubs were particularly stunning, carpeting the rolling coastal hills with their lilac blooms. Poppies and Lupine abound on the bluffs, along with Sparaxis, which while pretty is actually native to South Africa.

On my way back I met my family at Tara Firma Farm in the hills

Tara of Tara Firma Farm describes her hog operation to my sister, mom and dad.

East of Petaluma. These folks bought their 300 acre farm two years ago after being inspired by the Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan. They have copied Joel Salatin’s farm almost exactly, and it seems to be working for them. They are raising pastured chickens, pigs, and cattle on some of the most beautiful rolling hills in California. They gave a nice tour and at the end everyone got a free pork chop.